International Congress 2008, Sao Paulo, Brazil
On the plane from Santiago to Sao PauloIt was a very unique experience, it was not always the best, it was not meeting expectation in every single moment. In overall, it was an amazing experience and was an once-in-the-life-time experience. If there any chance I can attend IC again, I definitely will say YES!
700 people from 100 different countries, six different region. Of course I was not able to meet everyone in the conference. I have enjoyed the conference!
In 14 days, I broke my own record. I only slept average 4-5 hours per day!
The highlight of the conference personally are:
- Cup noodles party after Brazilian night - it was fun and it was the time I start enjoying the conference
- Expansion country - it was something really inspiring me
- AIESEC in Greece and AIESEC in MoC won the UBS award
- IC 2009 in Malaysia - Feel very proud to be Malaysian
- AP GN pre-meeting - stress to be a Faci but have learned a lot
- Having a good conversation!
After staying 10 days in Holiday Inn, finally I could see Brazil. I went to Rio for two days trip. It is a very beautiful city - it combines beautiful and clean beaches, green mountain, and big city. It is such a nice city to live. I wish I can stay for a bit longer. (and randomly I got sun burn!)

Where will be my next destination?