Last day of 2008 (the deadline of my decision)

>> Wednesday, December 31, 2008

31st of Dec 2008... The last day of 2008.
.2008, it means a lot to me.

This year seems to be one of the longest year for me but it doesn't mean it is a bad year. Whereas, it is a very good year, a very busy year and a very memorable year. A year I wish it would never end!

From nearly resigning from my EB term, graduating from University, finish my best EB term and continue my AIESEC career with MC term... It was a tiring process but I have learn and growth a lot in this process. I have improved my capability for making a decision, finding my passion, enhanced my strengths and getting closer to what I want to be... It is a rewarding year and pretty much a priceless experience.

Every time when come to this time of the year, I am stress to make a decision. Therefore, I have given myself a deadline to avoid demotivation of taking too long or too stress during the process. It is TODAY!! May be I finally learn from experience, the decision come very fast. Or may be this time I really know what I really want.

It has been 4 years since I left Malaysia and come to NZ (between stayed in India and have traveled few countries) for my study and working. Every year I have to do a lot of thinking and analysing to decide what is the best choice for me. Every year I decide to take up more opportunities outside Malaysia because it gave me the highest satisfaction by living in different environment and culture. Every year I am looking for a bigger challenge which can shape me into a better and stronger individual. This year (or next year) I decide to go back and start focusing on my career/business.

It might looks a bit stupid because I actually was planning to do excatly the same thing last year, but I changed it. For many people, it seems like I have wasting one year but I know I didn't Without this 12 months, I won't be so determined in such a short time. Without this 12 months, I won't have another very important team experiences and gain this group of friends. Without this 12 months, I might regret because of not taking on this opportunities. So I am happy, I am so sure I have made the best choice every year.

Now, I am ready...
I am ready for another very challenging year...
I am ready for a completely different environment (Malaysia actually is pretty much a new country for me now)...
I am ready to the new pages of my life...
I am ready to answer the "5-10 years plan" in my life...
I am ready to continue creating the fabulous life...

Thank you for those who have helped and assisted me in the last two months during this process.

and this time... no more last minute changing decision :)


G1 vs. iphone

>> Monday, December 29, 2008

Hmm... it is so hard to choose since I am a big fan of both Google and Apple... lol Can't wait to get my smart phone...


The New Leaders

After three weeks, I have finish reading "The New Leaders - Transforming the art of leadership into the science of results" by Daniel Coleman. I learned a lot by reading this book. It gave me a lot of guidance especially during my decision making process.

The first part of the book is talking about "The Power of Emotional Intelligence". The most part I learn is the four dimension of EI. In AIESEC we talk a lot about competencies, it is very similar but more focus on two parts: personal competency (self awareness and self management) and social competency (social awareness and relationship management). Although these words are very familiar and comment sense, it actually has different perspective and definition.

For example, self awareness has three components - emotional self-awareness (reading one's own emotions and recognizing their impact; using "gut sense" to guide decision), accurate self-awareness (knowing one's strengths and limits) and self confidence (a sound sense of one's self-worth and capabilities). I used to though I have pretty high self awareness but I actually only strong at the self confidence but not too good at the emotional self-awareness. These four dimensions of EI/competencies gave me a better guideline to identify my strengths and weaknesses.

It also mentioned about "resonance leadership". To create a high effective leadership, we need to work on high resonance in the team. The leader's mood will influence the climate of the team and also the result. Therefore, great leadership works through the emotions. This is definitely something I have to put effort on.

Once I have a better understanding about the competencies and different types of internship, the author discuss about "making leaders" at the part II. This is also my favourite part of the book.

It taught me about the "Boyatzis's theory of self-directed learning". I really like this framework and is going to use this framework to be my learning framework. Basically it covers 5 questions:
1. My ideal self: what do I want to be?
2. My real self: Who am I?
3. My learning agenda: Building on my strengths while reducing gaps
4. Experimenting with new behavior: thoughts, and feelings
5. Developing trusting, relationships that help, support, and encourage each step in the process.
I really like the idea of building on my strengths while reducing the gaps (what do I want to be?)

Could not find the exactly same diagram, but this is something similar

Besides, I get very frustrated when people ask me about what is my 5 years plan. It also a comment questions in the applications (no matter what you are applying). I found my answer until I read the part discussed about "how do you think about the future".

There are four types of "planner":
  1. Directional or visionary planners: they are good at crafting a picture of a meaningful, distant future state; one that's grounded in values, beliefs, and a deep sense of what's important in life
  2. Goal-orientated planners: they get what they go after
  3. Action orientation- results in a high level of accomplishment in the short term. Moreover the freedom inherent in such planning adds an element of serendipity that enhance creativity.
So when you ask people what is your plan for the next 5 years or 10 years plan, even if they can't just answer you in ABCDEFG, it does not mean people don't know what to do or don't have a plan in their life. Everyone has different way of managing their life and there is different methods of planning.

Last but not least, the book has given me a very interesting description of my personality - "ego-defensive". If you know me well enough, I think you can understand the following paragraphs.

"Many things conspire to keep people from seeing their real slevees. The human psyche itself shields us from information that might undermine our self-perception. These ego-defences mechanisms, as they're called, protect us emotianally so that we can cope more easily with life. But in the process, they hide or discard essential information - such as how others are responding to our behavior. Over tie, these self-delusions that the unconscious creates become self-perpetuating myths, persisting despite the difficulties they cause.

Of course, ego-defense mechanisms have their advantages. Most high-functioning people, for instance, are more optimistic about their prospects and possibilities than the average person. Their rose-colored lenses fuel enthusiasm and energy for their undertakings. The problem comes when the defenses go too far, distorting a person's view of his real self - the person he has become - out of all proportion. The playwright Henrik Ibsen called such self-delusion "vital lies": soothing mistruths people let themselves believe rather than face the more disturbing realities beneath."

The book I am reading now and aim to finish it by 31st Dec 08.
Hot, Flat and Crowded, written by my favourite author - Thomas Friedman

The next book I want to buy:


Relaxing weekend before X'mas

>> Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Brookview Tea House

To maximize the weekend experience in 2008, Viv and I went to Makatana again because we didn't have time to visit the tea house we found last time. This trip is very relaxing, we find some peaceful park and town, enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and read our book.

Orewa Beach

Beautiful view will be the thing I miss the most once I leave NZ.

X'mas is coming soon. Wish you have a Merry Xmas!!! I am looking forward to my Japanese X'mas dinner and standbar afterward.


MC Year End Dinner 08

>> Thursday, December 18, 2008

7 people with different background and different personally...
Working together as a team...

"Y(ifan)esterday M(Man:Viv)ust N(ick)ot L(dyia)imit O(yedele)ur D(avid)riving A(nna)mbitious"

To celebrate the hard work we have put to this organisation (AIESEC) in the last 5+ months, Viv and I have invited everyone to our MC YEAR END DINNER. From making invitation, come out with the awesome 4 course meal menu, getting the odd number of wine glasses (7) with limited budget, visit vineyard to get the perfect wine for this special dinner, etc. So much effort just for the 5 hours dinner.

Our EPIC menu:
Fresh baked ciabatta complimented with Dukka and Olive oil

Savoury onion tuna and ham served on thinly sliced cucumber

Broccoli drizzled with special sesame dressing

Pan fried prawns with Japanese style mayonnaise

Yorkshire pudding filled with avocado, egg and topped with smoked salmon

Creamy carrot soup with crispy bacon

Oven roasted chicken served with mushroom and rosemary gravy and / or blueberry jus

Side: Roasted shallots and potatoes with a balsamic saucing

Fresh field strawberries served with French vanilla ice cream topped with home made gingerbread

Wine List

Home made Special
Champagne, lychee & peach

Villa Maria Pinot Gris East Coast 2008

Villa Maria Noble Riesling Botrytis Selection 2005 Marlborough

Soljans Rakelina Sparkling Muscat

West Brooke Riesling 2008

West Brooke Sav 2008

I really enjoyed the process of preparing it with Vivian. Besides, I am glad that everyone is enjoyed it. Good team experience won't come natually, it required everyone put some effort to bring everyone together. I seldom take this role but I think this is a very good try. I start to enjoy to create the team experience in an obvious way!

Look forward to another 6 months working together and complete our vision:
EPIC 200
Everday People Impleting Changes (with 200 Exchanges)


Squash and Spanish

>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another "first time" experiences for this summer...

Finally I start my Spanish class today after getting the Spanish learning toolkit from Levent. It is a very interesting way of learning. It does not encourage you to memorize, take note, practise and no home work. He encourage us to learn naturally. Only listen to 10 minute lesson. I can easily know 10 spanish words. It allowed me to just learn it in a very relaxing and motivative way.

Besides, I played squash today. My body is extremely tired now but I plan to play it everyday or even twice a week. It is a very good exercise and hopefully to able to manage to play it well very soon.

Learning new thing always make my life more energetic!


and following by ...

>> Monday, December 08, 2008

... a luxury week at Viv's place.

For me it is very luxury for me, when I can
* have an awesome view for every good dinner
* gardening
* walk 3 min to the beach anytime I feel like

One of the awesome dinner

First time gardening

The pipe stuck... we spent 4 hours try to put everything back =.="" at the end, we still have to called the plumber

good wine + good food + good friends = good time


When summer start with...

When summer start with ...

* A national conference
* South Island Road Trip

April this year, I went to South Island with my family after graduation. This month I visit these places again, I experienced a different part of South Island with different people. The same place but different experience.

My favourite photo @ South Island Road Trip

Gingertomb beer

Chasing the sunset

Relaxing on the beautiful beach... Sun burning


Decision making path

Keep looking, don't settle...


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