A video for myself - don't give up

>> Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Happy Birthday to ME x 3

>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I've celebrate my b'day in Malaysia for 5 years. I was not planning to celebrate my bday this year but thanks for friends who gave me 3 celebration. Of course, it was not as creazy as the party in NZ. However, it was warm and sweet.

1. Kiwi style with Annie Loo
Thanks for bring me to such an awesome place for dinner. Following by NZ Pinor Noir at best Jazz Bar in Malaysia. Especially for Annie and Yohei, I love the present - photo book - it brought back a lot of good memories and can't wait for Taiwan with a crazy night.

2. A group of friends without name
Thanks for spending a good night with two Tiger towers and the present.

3. An unexpected surprise from KK
Thank you so much for the two little cakes.

Thank you for all the wishes from friends all around the world!


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