Food - sour and spicy

>> Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ok.. I know India is big. And the culture is different but I never though is so different.

I love Indian food in Malaysia. But I hate Indian food in Bangalore. I loss my weight after came here because I really don't like their food.

This is because most of the food is sour!!!! and everything they cook until watering. I didn't eat any meat or complete vegetable for the whole first week...

Luckily, I finally found one Chinese Restaurant near my house. But it was cooked by Indian and taste like Indian as well. Anyway better than nothing. I want to cook hotwater but there are no kattle in my house so the cleavest idea for me is put it into the microwave.

I can't blame anything because just the culture is different. Is good for me to know that some part in the world they live like that. Now I know why people always say Malaysian food so good so good. it is really good!


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