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>> Thursday, January 18, 2007

The next day, we were excited to see our 7800 rupees boat however we really don’t like the boat so we got back our money. On the other hand, we could meet another boat. So end up we did not have any boat.
However, there still a lot of boat on the river. Finally, we found one pretty good boat and after bargaining, we got it in 7300 rupees. The best is the boat is the cleanest among so many boats we saw before. Hurray! Good deal.
Our Captain
Beautiful view…
Delicious meal…
Clean water…
No pollution …
Another good catch photo!
I want to swim as well :(
The best moment was watching the sunset and sunrise on the boat.
Sunset or sunrise?
Slept next to the water.
Unfortunately, there did not have many stars.. But every thing is perfect!
It was one of the best weekend in my life!
Read more...We went to Port Cochin again.
We rent the bike with 6 rupees (RM0.6/ NZ0.2) per hour. Travel by cycling was much better and fun!
Initially we were going to a church, but suddenly they just stopped me in a water tank and told me that we were going to claim up there. What? I had no choice and just followed them. At start I would not want to claim up. Oh my god, it was not high but is scarier than bungee jump because it was so unsaved. However, I was glad that I did it because I almost could see the whole town.
One of the highlight was our super seafood lunch.
First, we bargain so hard to get the cheapest price and we get:
20 pcs tiger prawn,
2 big squid,
1 big snapper.
There were all fresh!
It only costs 350 rupees
Cooking fee 80 rupees
own made salad
40 rupees for 4 big potato chips
Made our own salad!
A luxury lunch had been created!! It was very delicious and full!
Around 3 pm we went back to hotel. Since we need to find the “thump up” (Indian coke company which was bought by Coca-cola Company =.=’’’) to get the Doom2 ring tone, Clay and me just went out and found it.
However, Coca-cola Company seem like did not do a good marketing in Cochin, we could not find any Coca-cola after walking few street. May be after 45 minutes, we asked the shopkeeper “is it possible to get coke around here” of course his answer was NO! But we got our coke at the shop opposite it!!!
So, we had to found the way to go back. We were a bit lost but we still know the direction. So we made a deal – find the way without any asking!! This was not a good deal because we end up with very lost.
Base on experience, it is always something great will happen when we get lost. Non-stop eating all the way!! Indian sweet, coconut drink, fresh banana chips… then we went to the local market. And the best was we found a cinema the ticket only 50 rupees. So we decided to have another Bollywood experience tonight.
May be after two hours, we though it should be the time to enquire the way home! But we should not! Because we nearly there…
At night we went to the movie – Kebal Express. It was different with other Bollywood movie. It was more like Documentary and it was quite nice. We watched in the local cinema. There were heaps of mosquito insides luckily I had my mosquito repellent. And because of this mosquito repellent we started another crazy experience.
There was an Indian guy sat next to Clay. For unknown reason, Clay offered the mosquito repellent to him and started chatting with him. After break time, he bought us each person popcorn, Indian snack, and water. Each of us had the complete combo. We guessed that this guy must be very rich. At the end, we found out that he actually is the staff of the cinema so all the food is free. That was so cool!
After the movie, he invited to the café. And the crazy moment was started. The staffs were cleaning. They played the Doom2 soundtrack in the max volume. Could you imagine that you dance in a café like dancing in a club!
Before we left, we asked for Doom2 poster unfortunately, they could not find it. However, each of us got a book of luxury Doom2 ticket. It was so good to have that moment.
Another crazy night! I love this trip so much!!
The best banana in the world!
In the evening, we sat next to the sea side, watching the “Chinese Fishing Net” show, and having our own “Mango juice + sprite”. Enjoy the sunset and relaxing atmosphere.
From left to right
Christina from Peru, Nik from Bombay, Victoria from Russia, Clay and Mark from Australia, Yeny from Ecuador, Robert from German, Poly from Bombay, Ana Maria from Columbia, Karol from Polland, Marcos from United States, Dominica from Polland and German, Yuki from Indonesia
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