Extended trip to Kerala

>> Thursday, January 11, 2007

My holiday was originally ended at Goa. However, the option to go to Kerala was too attractive. Therefore, I decided to ask for one more week holiday from CRT and I got it.

It was too late to get train ticket from Goa to Kerala, so I had to go back Bangalore then went to Kerala.

3 hours local bus from North Goa to South Goa
6 hours car from Goa to Karnataka
8.5 hours train back to Bangalore
10 hours bus from Bangalore to Kerala

I spent two days, went through three states.

Finally I had arrived Cochin. Unbelievable I made it. It was crazy.

I was not very tired because I had built up a wonderful skill after this India trip – sleep under any situation! Before this, I only can sleep under certain environment – quite, comfortable, no movement, without any light then only I can fall asleep. But now I can sleep anywhere. Besides, I was told that I become a deep sleeper. Amazing!

On the other hand, I was excited to have one more week holiday and travel again.

I met Mark and Clay in Hotel Sapphire again. I was glad that I didn’t have any big problem to meet them again because of the stupid-India-mobile-phone-system. It was a nice, clean and cheap hotel and itonly cost 270 rupees per person for two night. (Highly recommended!)

Cochin is a really nice state. It was clean, people are friendly, food is cheap and nice. The thing I love the most is a “plastic free” area. I could not believe India has such a nice city! When we ask for a plastic bag from a shop called “quality shop”, the boss replied, “No! The police will give you a 200 fine!!”

Once again it shows that every place in India is different, everyday, everywhere you could find something new, different and interesting. This is India!


We went to Fort Cochin by ferry. It was hardly believe that it only cost us 2.5 rupees. As usual we would get lost to find some local food. This was the funniest part to travel with them. After that, went to an oldest Church in this area. I was not a big fan of visiting Church so I could not remember the name.

The best banana in the world!

In the evening, we sat next to the sea side, watching the “Chinese Fishing Net” show, and having our own “Mango juice + sprite”. Enjoy the sunset and relaxing atmosphere.


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