Enjoyment of working
>> Saturday, August 15, 2009
Recently, I found that friends around me are very frustrated about their work life, it includes myself. Everyone seems very unhappy and aren't enjoyed what they are doing. I'm not sure is it because of the Malaysian culture - negative thinking - or this is the real life.
Everyone get excited when they are discussing about the weekend plan, the holiday, the new year; on the other hand, everyone get angry and frustrated when they are talking about their work and boss. It is not just happen at one person or once in a while, I have experienced this kind of conversation again and again.
Personally, I do feel frustrated at my current working situation. However, I only expect this as a short-term situation. I want to be the one who is excited and enjoy about his life, work, dream, career. I know it won't just happen but require effort. Therefore, I constantly remind myself about my dream and goal, and slowly working toward it. I'm scared that I will influence by negative energy and forget I can change what I am not happy about.
I hope friends around me can find their path and get back their excitement and joys at their work, career and dream. I know it is not easy but I believe we can change it instead of complaining.
Life can be beautiful!

i need a drink
yap, i have the same feeling as yours
i'm ok with my work, the colleagues and the pay at this moment. all i ask for now is just a more understanding, reasonable and sensible boss!!
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