Last Month In India
>> Tuesday, June 05, 2007

This is my last month in India. I know it is boring to say, but in fact - TIME IS FLYING!
The first day I arrived India was 21st of Nov. It was six and a half months ago. However, it does not feel that long at all. Some friends could not understand why I enjoy India so much. In a sentence, India change me a lot. I believe if the place can bring you a lot of experience and memory, you are going to love it forever.
I still can remember the first two months India is a hell for me. I was counting everyday when am I going to leave the country. I was looking forward to go back home. It is because I did not enjoy my life. However, everything has changed at the last month since my trip to Bombay! It was a 360 degree changed! It is one of the reason, Bombay becomes my favourite city in India although it is heavy pollution, crowded, slum everywhere, rubbish higher than hill.
Now, everytime I look back my life in India. It is always the biggest achievement in my 21 years old. It is my favourite year in my life. I know myself much better. I know where is my limit, my strength, my weakness, my relationship and my life!
This is the last month, I will appreaciate everyday in Bangalore and India. I know I would not come back for the next 3 -5 years. But, I have collected enough memory to remember this incredible country. I am going to miss India a lot!
I know I am going to experience reverse culture shock when I back to N.Z. However, I am looking forward to my AIESEC life for the coming one year. I know I am going to create another awesome year in my life.
~Incredible India~
I am from India reading your blog and i work from L&T Infotech.
Its so nice to see a foreigner coming here, working and commenting on the daily happenings.
Congrats and thanks.
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