My iphone
>> Thursday, November 05, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME x 3
>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I've celebrate my b'day in Malaysia for 5 years. I was not planning to celebrate my bday this year but thanks for friends who gave me 3 celebration. Of course, it was not as creazy as the party in NZ. However, it was warm and sweet.
1. Kiwi style with Annie Loo
Thanks for bring me to such an awesome place for dinner. Following by NZ Pinor Noir at best Jazz Bar in Malaysia. Especially for Annie and Yohei, I love the present - photo book - it brought back a lot of good memories and can't wait for Taiwan with a crazy night.
Thanks for spending a good night with two Tiger towers and the present.

Thank you so much for the two little cakes.

Thank you for all the wishes from friends all around the world!
Challenge myself
>> Friday, September 25, 2009
I am walking toward my goal and dream.
Loving my life
>> Sunday, September 13, 2009
I've been struggling for years in how to have a successful life by doing what I love to do. I'm very excited and happy now because I find my way. I have such a strong feeling that I am going to enjoy every single moment in the next five years, I can foresee myself being happy and successful before 2015. I know it won't be easy but I am not afraid of any challenge that I am going to face. I just remember what it will lead me to and I want it with 100%.
Congratz if you have this feeling; if not, I hope you FIND THE WAY.
>> Saturday, September 05, 2009
I'm very glad that I read this book at the right time. It helped me to make the most important decision in 2009. I also have a better understanding about the stock and property market. How does it work at a large scale. It also give me a very clear picture what ability does a successful businessman needs. Sometimes, it is so hard to believe what he, Li Jia Cheng, has done in his life.
Of course, there are so much to learn, I'm just a beginner. I hope one day I'll be good at these eight abilities. I believe it won't be too far :)
Current reading:
Outliers - the story of success by Malcom Gladwell
Waiting list:
The snowball by Warren Buffett
Getting toward the right direction
>> Friday, August 28, 2009
I made a goal before I start working. I've to start working on my main responsible - business development in Aug. Because of the delay of setting up (catalog and website), I didn't have much hope to achieve my goal.
However, everything seems to be arranged. After attending the primary school gathering last weekend, I got a new contact and information about a opening-soon hotel. I got a meeting set up after calling. At the same time, I met a supplier who has new products in hotel amenities industry, which fulfill the Eco-and-green trend. It also align with the concept of the hotel. It is a bit stress and frustrated after the meeting. There are a lot I need to do, change and worry; whereas, it gives me more responsibles and satisfaction in the company.
Being Green!
When I was in New Zealand, I read a lot of books about green, eco or bio-degradable issues and products. I've a huge interest and passion at this area and aware of these products in New Zealand. I didn't expect it will related with my business in the futur but it is happening. I'm getting excited and happy as I'm working with my passion now.
Hotel industry is one of the most polutted industry. Everyday, a lot of plastic products , paper, water & power are wasted. If all the amenities products can be replaced, the world can be a little bit better. However, it is something very challenging since it is a industry which has a high-sensitive in price. At least, it gives me excitement and a very clear vision and goal :)
Finally arrived..
>> Thursday, August 20, 2009
My ideal working place
>> Sunday, August 16, 2009
Enjoyment of working
>> Saturday, August 15, 2009
Recently, I found that friends around me are very frustrated about their work life, it includes myself. Everyone seems very unhappy and aren't enjoyed what they are doing. I'm not sure is it because of the Malaysian culture - negative thinking - or this is the real life.
Everyone get excited when they are discussing about the weekend plan, the holiday, the new year; on the other hand, everyone get angry and frustrated when they are talking about their work and boss. It is not just happen at one person or once in a while, I have experienced this kind of conversation again and again.
Personally, I do feel frustrated at my current working situation. However, I only expect this as a short-term situation. I want to be the one who is excited and enjoy about his life, work, dream, career. I know it won't just happen but require effort. Therefore, I constantly remind myself about my dream and goal, and slowly working toward it. I'm scared that I will influence by negative energy and forget I can change what I am not happy about.
I hope friends around me can find their path and get back their excitement and joys at their work, career and dream. I know it is not easy but I believe we can change it instead of complaining.
Life can be beautiful!

My collection
>> Thursday, August 13, 2009
This collection started from my first snowdorm which was given by my dad when he went to Paris. From then, I have a special feeling to snowdorm. It is also because I really like winter/snowing. The world inside the snowdorm is so beautiful for me.
I have not had a chance to go to many countries, and not all the countries I've been had snowdorm for their country. I wish one day I'll have a cupboard full of my collection that symbolized my passion of traveling.
p.s. I should get a Malaysia one.
Fifth Years Anniversary
>> Friday, July 24, 2009
It has been five years since I start blogging. I review some of the posts tonight, it remind me a lot of good time and thoughts in the last five years. I actually quite proud of myself. I have created a life with some very interesting stories. I also glad that I wrote it down. I'll continue create a fabulous life for the next 5, 10 ... years.
Today I received a FB invitation from a primary school's friend - "6s gathering tomorrow". I quickly go through the list of ppl in the invitation. I was trying so hard to remember them. I even try to find some "memories" in my home. Unfortunately, I could not find many of them. It has been 13 years I have not meet my primary school's friends. It makes me very nervous about the gathering tomorrow.
Malaysia Apple
>> Thursday, July 23, 2009
Do you know Malaysia grow apple?
Dad told me about a place he plans to visit for a long time in Sarawak - Ba'kelalan. Most people in West M'sia won't know about this place. Ba'kelalan is a group of nine villages in the Bario Highlands of Sarawak about 3000 feet above sea level and 4 km from the border with Indonesian Kalimantan. It is a highland you can only reach by flight.
When dad told me about it, the first thing come to my mind is "the apply grow in Malaysia must be soft and sour". But I AM WRONG! Based on the research, it is very crunchy and sweet, and it is impossible to get outside Sarawak. Besides, it also the place has the most expensive rice in Malaysia. The padi is at the highland. Every time we go back Sabah or Sarawak, mum will carry few kgs of rice back home.
I want to organise and pay for a trip to Ba'kelalan for dad and mum next CNY. Sarawak is a very beautiful state. One day, I would like to backpack there.
Morning jogging
>> Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Anyway, it is a good start. I just need to be persistence.
p.s. I want to play squash.
>> Sunday, July 19, 2009
I don't have time and I don't want to waste any more time. I have to stop waiting and DO IT NOW!
Transformers Website
>> Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The transformers website is amazing!
It takes sometimes to load but it is worth it.
The price of being indecisive
>> Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I have decided to come back to Malaysia and working on my business at 30th of Dec 08. However, I also considered other opportunity. Hence, I applied for global co-ordinator for Alcatel-Lucent. Co-operating with a good reputation I have developed, I went to the final stage of the interview process. Then, I could not make up my mind what I really want.
Yesterday, I bought a book about the successful story of Li Jia Chen, who is the richest Chinese in this century. One of his successful reasons is he is able to make a quick and effective decision. Once he decide, he remain committed to his decision. It remind me how much time I'm wasiting everytime I being indecisive.
This morning, I sent an email to withdraw my application from the last stage of interview. Of course, it pissed off few people because they have spent sometime for the selection process. My reputation has screwed in some part of the network. I think this is the price I have to pay because of my stupid behaviour.
On the other hand, I learn a lot about myself in the process.
Today, I have a plan and will persist with it. I can't allow myself to make the same mistake again.
Shanghai 2010 World Expo
>> Sunday, July 12, 2009
I was very excited when watching this preview and planning for the trip to Shanghai in 2010. After many people told me about the very-exciting-Shanghai-city, I always want to go there. This is a perfect excuse for me to plan this trip.
August 2010 - Shanghai! After 11 years, we will have an opportunity to travel overseas together.
What I have miss out!!
>> Friday, July 10, 2009
Randomly look at friend's facebook photo and found this! I can't believe after living in NZ for 5 years, I didn't spend any winter time in South Island. I swear I gonna make a trip go back NZ during winter one day!
>> Thursday, July 09, 2009
Giving myself a week to rest at home before I start doing anything I want to do. I just realised how much energy was burned in the last twelve months. Need a lot of sleep and healthy food to recovery.
But what's next? I'm not very sure.
Australia ... Melbourne + Swine Flu
>> Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Visiting Australia was my plan since I arrived NZ. Finally... finally... I planned for it so even though there is swine flu in Melbourne... I don't care :P
4 days in Melbourne apparently is not enough. What I want to do? I have no idea, I just want to go with the flow :)
Packing ...
>> Monday, June 22, 2009
Just booked the courier service to post 30kg stuffs (with 5 years memory) back home. I have no idea how to pack and wish Annie loo is here LOL!
I wish time can slow down just a little bit and let me enjoy every moment I have left.
Listen to your heart
>> Sunday, June 21, 2009
After these years of avoiding feeling or trying to be strong and independent, I slowly lose the ability to listen to my own real voice. I find it very hard to actually know how I feel and my inside though.
I have been trying to build up a very-strong- and-less-emotional YiFan in front of everyone. Because of self protection, my relationship with people is very surface. I'm not willing to invest too much time and effort to any relationship. Purely I don't want to get hurt.
By time pass, I feel alone but it is exactly I want to be. I believe I can be more rational and able to handle different changes and situations. It is kind of right, I do feel easy to let go but I also miss a lot of opportunities to build up long term relationship. That is why I always think I am my own best friend.
I want to change this! I want to be more opened to my emotional, I want to be more attached with people around me, I want to be more depended, I want to have a true relationship. I want to be able to love myself and also people around me.
I want to be able to hear my own voice again!
The ending of the MC chapter
It is 6am in the morning. I just sent Viv to catch her shuttle to go to the airport. I think the sadness of ending finally hit me. It is the first time I could not sleep in Wellington.
I am trying to feel emotional with the ending of the MC term since April because I don't want to regret that I don't appreciate the remaining time. But I don't really feel it until now. I am not sure if I were pushing down my emotion or trying to avoid the feeling. It is just not easy to handle it now. I never feel so hard to leave a group of people. I know that we can and will continue the friendship but the team is ending.
I know that we all have to move on but I really don't know what I can do to have a perfect ending. May be there is nothing you can do more. I just hope I can always remember what happening in the last 12 months. I know we can't live in the past but hopefully this is a new chapter of our friendship.
My top 5 favourite moments in MC term:
- Cleaning the flat at the beginning of our term
- Watching movie and felt asleep on the "very-comfortable" couch
- Every time when we visited Christchurch - LC visit, pre-conference, weekend dealer, random visit
- Flat rotation - shower and cooking dinner (although it does last long)
- Last party in Wellington with David

Thank you Lydia, David, Anna, Vivian and Nick. You guys have given me such an amazing experience. I'm really lucky! Nothing much I can ask from you guys anymore! I promise I'll keep in touch with everyone no matter what is going to happen the rest of my life. Read more...
St. Patrick's Day
>> Tuesday, March 17, 2009
This might be the last chance for me to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in NZ. Three more months, I am going to leave the country that I have been staying for nearly 5 years. 5 years! Every year it means a lot for me! I wish I have a better memory to remember everything!
I am starting to miss my time here. I am feeling a bit scare and sad of my leaving. I try my best to enjoy as much as the fresh air and water, people around me and the beauty of this country. BUT I know I have to move on and start looking another path of my life.
My life
>> Wednesday, March 04, 2009
My No. 200 post: Earth Hour
>> Wednesday, February 18, 2009
1fan's blog Post No.200:
38 days 2hours 28minute - the count down for Earth Hour which is hold on 28 March 2009, 8.30pm to 9.30pm (local time). I am looking forward to participate this in Wellington City! Hopefully it will be successful in Kuala Lumpur too.
Last night in KL
>> Thursday, February 12, 2009
21 hours later, I am going back to New Zealand. Even though I am coming home in 5 months time, I have a strong feeling of leaving. This is the fifth leaving after celebrating Chinese New Year. This visit has been quite special for me.
In the last few years, I went back home town - Sabah - during CNY. Therefore, I wouldn't have enough time to spend with friends in KL. I could only meet them for once or twice. This year I have a chance to have a trip with them to Ipoh and also have some nights spending together. I have a very strong connection with everyone again. I realised we never run out of topic, there always full of laugh and don't have any argument that I can remember. It really makes me feel very happy everytime I spend time with them.
Something interesting happen tonight, I was very busy from morning until evening. It was very stressful when doing some works for my own business. However, I have a very fun night. We randomly decide to go to my place. It has been a long time they have not came to my place. Somehow we went through our photos when we were young (secondary school). It bring back a lot of memory and how "pretty" we were!
The time to say goodbye to everyone, it is very sad! It also makes me worry that how will I feel when I am going to leave New Zealand in July. Especially I might not have many chance to meet everyone again! I feel very lucky that I can meet awesome people no matter where am I or when is it. Thank you!
Where will be our new home?
>> Saturday, February 07, 2009
This afternoon, my parent and I went to the show room of Semi-D in Taman Sri Sinar. It is allocated behind of my old house.
It is a HUGE AND TALL 3 sty semi-d! We feel tiring just to walk up to the third floor! There are 6 rooms and not sure how many toilets! It costs 1.6 million so you can imagine how pretty it is! There was one question come to my mind, "When am I able to buy this house for my parent?" I told myself - It won't be too far, 10 more years and before I turn 35 years old!
My parent spent about half of this semi-d for our (sis & I) education. I know how much they would like to have their own house (a nice and good home) but they choose to give us the best education. Now is the time for my returning!
I know the next 5-10 years won't be something easy. I aware that the time can pass extremely fast if I don't focus on my goal. I will feel "it is too late" if I am not achieve my dream in the next 10 years. I have to make sure it won't let it happen!
I remember few years ago, I made a goal that I need to retired at 35! (retired does not mean you don't do anything but you have the freedom not to work too hard) 10 years of fully concentration and efforts I believe I can achieve it!
p.s. remember one of my friends told me that visiting show room can remind your own goal! It works! :)
My 2009 Decision Part II
>> Tuesday, February 03, 2009
And me, I am giving myself another 5 months to get ready for everything. I am looking forward to a new start and new life. I know it is the right time!
CNY 2009
>> Monday, February 02, 2009
Friends - The 10th Years

I am lucky! It is not easy to have even one best friend but I have nearly 10 of them! It is a group of friends I don't want to ask for anything. For me, to have you guys all the time is more than enough.

Bin, "thoughtful" is the best word to describe you!
Kyle, see you again at the end of the year!
Ham, wish your dream come true very soon.
Ham Yu, hopefully the next time we meet again won't be another 5 years of waiting.
JiaQian, be diamond!
Laimiin, get married before 30!
ShenNan, let me know when you find dream and passion!
Kiwi, don't poison your patient.
Panda & Pei Fen, don't forget us even bf is important.
Reverse Culture Shock
>> Saturday, January 24, 2009
This is the fifth year I am not living at home but every year when I back to Malaysia, I am worry if I able to adapt Malaysia life again. Will I have reverse culture shock? Am I still familiar with everything in my own country.
There is no doubt how much I love Malaysia and proud to be Malaysian. However, the thing here change too fast. I don't know exactly what has changed or different but there are some difference and I know I need to deal with it.
I have made a decision early of this year, I am coming back here for good in July. I always worry will I love the life here? Today just the first day I came back home, I found a lot of things is uneasy for me. There are many things I don't like but I have to accept. I am not sure should let the environment change me or should I change the environment?
The first feeling every time I arrive airport is hot and smelly. It is not a good feeling. Then, I will find that the driver on the road is very rude. I always ask myself, can people just be a bit more patient and be nice. May be is the recession or I am too comfortable with NZ life but this time I feel that the behavior on the road is worse than last year. Should I act like them or should I just try to cool myself down?
There are a lot of details really annoyed me such as smokers everywhere, people smoke at public place (there even people smoke on plane yesterday! What a retard!), traffic everywhere (I don't mind traffic, I just can't stand the country you love has such a bad behaviour), I am not familiar with my environment, people look different than what I can remember...
Anyway, it is just how I feel at the moment, I think I will fine in very short time!!!
Yeah.. Chinese New Year is around the corner! Can't wait for lunar eve dinner! I just discuss the menu with mum. Even now I feel hungry when I though about it.
>> Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Email and facebook has replaced the "era of cards". Therefore, every time I receive cards from friends and family, it makes me feel very warm. I actually bought a lot of cards this year but all keep in the drawer and have not send it :( May be send it during CNY lol.
Thank you...
Yohei, the card is so cute!! We definitely is going to party very sooN!!!! Hope the new year is going to bring you a good luck!
M3! When I look at your card, I was thinking this handwriting is so familiar! Only link with your name after 3 seconds! lol.. your handwriting is still exactly the same :) Hope you will get an awesome job soon!
Yisin, that is weird to receive your postcard at very first time! I want to celebrate Xmas in London next year too!
Viv, the card i like because i choose it :P
Anna, Nick and David, thanks for all the postcard from different countries!
p.s. if you are reading this post and have not send me a postcard, do it now! I will love to hear from you again :P
Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman
>> Thursday, January 01, 2009
The two important parts of the book are: the five key problems the earth is facing and the green revolution (why and how)
Remember from the last book he explained about “the world is flat”. It is one of the terms I really like. In this book, he explained how we’re entering the “Energy Climate Era”. It focuses on the five key problems that a hot, flat, and crowded world is dramatically intensifying. There are: the growing demand for ever scarcer energy supplies and natural resources (energy and resource supply and demand); a massive transfer of wealth to oil-rich countries and their petrodictators (petrolpolitics); disruptive climate change (climate change); energy poverty, which is sharply diving the world into electricity haves and electricity have-nots; and rapidly accelerating biodiversity loss, as plants and animals go extinct at record rates (biodiversity).
It explained in detail about each problem with many examples. Now I have a better understand what are the major problems we are facing and how we got here. Not simply only know the term or the surface of the global issue. Among all these problems, the energy poverty has given me the biggest shock. It is pretty hard to believe in this day, the World Bank estimates that roughly 1.6 million people – one out of every four people on the planet – don’t have regular access to an electricity grid. Especially in Africa 75% of household (550 million people) have no access to network electricity and 700 million people in South Asia.
We all know that Africa has very high HIV/AIDS, drinking water, and malaria issues. A lot of us have contributed to these issues and hopefully one day these problems can be solved. We donate money to HIV/AIDS, building water system or medical subsidies. There are lot of NGOs are trying very hard. However, many people have not realised the energy poverty problem as a fundamental problem in Africa. Without regularly access to electricity, it means that Africa would never able to solve other problem. It is because energy poverty means you can’t pump clean water regularly, there’s no communication, no way to have adult literacy classes, and certainly no way to run computers at school, no hospital can be functioned.
When the world is become hotter, the poor population will be the people suffer the most but they are the people who caused it the least because they heavily depend directly on soil, forests, and plants in their immediate vicinity for subsistence. Many people are trying to improve the quality of their life, on the other hand, our behaviour and attitude have made the world hotter (climate change). Hence, we actually take over their basic survival kits. If temperatures continue to rise, we can just close the windows and turning on an air conditioner, but what about them?
The other part of the book is discussing about why we need a green revolution. Now I can imagine how big is the impact of energy efficiency. Thomas F has emphasized what we need is a Clean Energy System - REEFIGDCPEERPC < TTCOBCOG – the renewable energy eco-system for innovating, generating, and deploying clean power, energy efficiency, resource productivity, and conservation < the true cost of burning coal, oil and gas. That is, we need clean energy that is cheaper than the true cost to society of fossil fuels, when you measure the climate change those fuels cause, the pollution they trigger, and the energy wars they engender. We are not going to regulate our way out of the problems of the Energy-Climate Era. We can only innovate our way out, and the only way to do that is to mobilize the most effective and prolific system for transformational innovation and commercialization of new products ever created on the face of the earth.
After reading this book, I just imagine how good if I can stay in a green building, driving a green car and using the green products. How long are we going to wait?
Happy New Year 2009
When I just came to NZ, I celebrated my NYE here. Four years later, it was my last kiwi style NYE. The fireworks compared to four years ago. It is pretty much the same. Not very interesting lol. This morning, I saw the news of Australia multi-million fireworks. OMG! Definitely not a good decision to not go to Australia this year during xmas and new year. Anyway, I do appreciate I can have this kiwi NYE experience to end my New Zealand time. (haha I already look forward to the next year NYE!)