How much you know about your country?

>> Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ladi ask me a simply question today "how much is malaysia population?"

I am so shame I cant answer!!

I am a 100% malaysian. I studied heaps of malaysian geo and history. However, how much I remember and how much I know, hence, how much I care?

After joining AIESEC, I meet many awesome ppl who can introduce their country so well. Then, I will ask myself how much you know about yourself and how much you know about your country.

AIESEC is a good environment for me to know many different culture. And most critical is know my own culture more.

So I go to google and get the answer, because next time when people ask me, I must able to answer it. If you are malaysian who are reading my blog, pls remember this.

1fan Culture corner - Malaysia
Population: 26 million (1.3 million in KL)
Big:330k square kilometers


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